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Principal’s Address

We put the student at the centre of everything we do.

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RSC Mission Statement.

As a mum of 6 children it was important to me to find a school for my own children where they would be happy, safe and supported to be the best version of themselves. I believe that kind and nurturing relationships between all members of a community are the foundations upon which a thriving and positive school culture is built. All of us have skills, talents and passions that represent our individual strengths, at Rowville Secondary College we start with what students know and can do, to build their confidence to learn new things and take on new challenges.

I am proud of the Rowville Secondary College philosophy of educating the “whole child”. We care about students’ academic growth as well as their physical, social and emotional health and wellbeing. We put the student at the centre of everything we do. We have developed structures and processes for ensuring that each child is well known, empowered and part of a vibrant, caring community. We are honoured to be one great school offering strengths-based learning to our students.

school theme

Each Year we focus on a school theme; in 2024 it is what you do today, creates who you are tomorrow and a focus on ‘high expectations’ of all students at Rowville Secondary College.

There is a significant body of research that supports the idea that the actions and decisions we make today have a direct impact on our future outcomes and who we become tomorrow. This concept is often referred to as the “cumulative effects theory” in psychological and educational literature.

One key study that demonstrates this principle is the landmark Marshmallow Experiment conducted by psychologist Walter Mischel in the 1960s. In this study, children were offered a choice between eating a marshmallow immediately or waiting for a period of time to receive two marshmallows. The results showed that children who were able to delay gratification and wait for the second marshmallow tended to have better life outcomes in terms of academic achievement, career success, and overall well-being in adulthood.

Additionally, research in the field of neuroplasticity has shown that our brains are constantly adapting and rewiring based on our experiences and behaviours. Positive actions and habits, such as regular exercise, healthy eating, engaging in learning activities, and practicing mindfulness, have been found to lead to changes in brain structure and function that can improve cognitive abilities, emotional regulation, and overall mental health over time.

Studies on goal-setting and self-regulation have demonstrated that individuals who set specific, achievable goals and consistently work towards them are more likely to experience success and personal growth. By taking intentional and consistent actions towards a desired outcome, individuals can shape their habits, skills, and ultimately their identities and future trajectories.

In 2024 we have introduced Behaviour Point Averages (BPAs) to support the idea that our daily actions and decisions play a crucial role in shaping who we are and who we become in the future. We support students to make positive choices and invest in their personal growth and development, so that individuals have the opportunity to create a brighter and more fulfilling future for themselves.

Every RSC student has an individual dashboard that gives them high quality and timely feedback on 6 learning behaviours that we believe are critical for their success: Attendance, Being on time to each class, Submitting Learning Tasks, Being â€Ready to Learn’, Being â€Focussed on Learning’, and Being a â€Respectful Community Member’.

We use this data to celebrate success and plan additional supports where they are needed.

Thriving House System

Our verticalĚýhouse modelĚýsupports the development of strong and positive connections between students and teachers; and to ensure that each and every one of our students feel safe and connected at school. Introduced in 2018, our houses include Mabo Dingos, Aston Kangaroos, Stynes Sharks and Walton Eagles. Student Leadership and SRC are responsible for arranging a variety of activities and events throughout the year for everyone to be part of. All of our students are supported to embrace their strengths, to nourish their sense of self, and to always tackle life’s many challenges with a growth mindset and a curious outlook.

Learning Mentor

Every student has a Learning mentor who is their advocate at school. Learning Mentors are committed to knowing students as an individual and as a learner. Learning Mentor Groups run every morning with students across all year levels forming strong friendships and interaction through sharing breakfast, building learning strengths, setting goals, conferencing, celebrating birthdays and sharing student success stories. Activities are designed to build student confidence and encourage them to take risks, shaping their identity as curious and powerful learners in a range of contexts.

Student Agency

At Rowville Secondary College, we know that if our students are empowered as learners, actively contributing to both their own education and whole school initiatives, their self-efficacy is enhanced and they experience significant growth in motivation, wellbeing and achievement. As such, student agency is a fundamental component of both our culture within each and every classroom, as well as across our house system more broadly.

Strengths Based Programs

All students enrol in one of four programs – General Excellence, Maths & Science Academy, Institute of the ArtsĚýor Sports Academy. These programs immerse students in curriculum tailored specifically to their strengths, talents and passions. In addition, the college provides aĚývariety of senior pathwaysĚýincluding VCE, VCE Vocational Major, VET and School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships (SBAT).

School-wide positive behaviour strategy

School-Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) is a whole-school framework which provides schools with an approach to teach, prevent and respond to behaviour at their school with evidenced based practices. When implemented with fidelity, SWPBS is successful in reducing problem behaviour, improving school culture, and academic gains.

The goal of School-Wide Positive Behaviour Support at Rowville SC is to create a positive school environment where students can flourish both academically and socially. Our core values are Respect, Responsibility, Excellence and Community. These are posted across the school, explicitly taught, and merits are given for students who demonstrate these values.

At the centre of SWPBS is our Matrix which was created by our community, in particular with student voice, and clarifies our expectations. These can be seen in classrooms, corridors, and other places around the school.

I am very lucky to be supported by a talented and strong Leadership Team, you can meet my team here.

We know that it takes a village to educate a child and we’d love your family to become a part of our thriving school.

Julie Kennedy

College Principal